Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Additions and Corrections

This thread is a collecting point for any new information for the philosophy family tree, or for any corrections to the tree. If you know any advisors or advisees of people currently on the tree, post here and I'll add them in. If nothing else, if you aren't already on the tree, give me your advisor's name, and I'll add you.


Blogger Josh Dever said...


Thanks. I've added most of that, and I'll put up a new version of the tree tomorrow. I'll see if I can hunt anything down on the dubious steps (Lewy -> ? and Alston -> Carnap).

7/20/2005 02:37:00 PM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...


I've now added all the information from the Syracuse placement page. The tree is weaker on the actual Syracuse faculty, though. Right now only you, Alcoff, McDaniel, Schliesser, Stocker, and van Gulick have parents on the tree.

7/22/2005 11:08:00 AM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...


Thanks. I've added Grayling.

7/22/2005 11:09:00 AM  
Blogger Andrew M. Bailey said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7/22/2005 02:14:00 PM  
Blogger Andrew M. Bailey said...

Oh, and Deborah Modrak was advisor for John Mark Reynolds (Philosophy/Classics, Biola University).

7/22/2005 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry Irwin was also the supervisor of Ralph Wedgwood and Pekka Väyrynen, not to mention many, many folks in ancient (e.g. Jennifer Whiting).

In the preface to Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics, David Brink doesn't mention who chaired his dissertation committee (you have his advisor as David Lyons), but he says: "Perhaps my greatest debt is to Terry Irwin" (p. x). That doesn't, of course, settle the question you're interested in.

7/26/2005 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

B. Jack Copeland was Dana Scott's student. He also lists Simon Blackburn as an advisor on his webpage, but he and others usually spoke of him a student of Scott's, and Scott lists him as a student on his own home page, so I think you can safely add him in there. While you are at it, toss me (Nicole Wyatt) in as Jack's student.

Dana Scott's advisor was Alonzo Church. Incidentally, I was always under the impression from Brian Chellas that this line hooked up with Tarski eventually, but the Math Genealogy Project seems to indicate otherwise.

7/26/2005 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to add that Krister Segerberg was also Dana Scott's student.

7/26/2005 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some information on W.T. Stace is here:

I don't know how useful it is, but it does note that James Ward Smith was a student of Stace's.

7/26/2005 11:29:00 PM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...

Thanks to everyone for the additions. A few notes in response:
-Peter Achinstein received a doctorate from Harvard in 1961, but I don't know from whom. The title was "A Study of Confirmation Theory". Putnam seems like a reasonable bet, but that's just an educated guess.
-I've been tempted to put in the Chauncey Wright -> Francis Bowen link, but I'm hoping for something a bit more definite. I'm also hoping to get more on the ancestry of Bowen -- it seems likely that there's a line from him back to the British empiricists.
-My source on Brink -> Lyons is just someone else's assertion, but Brink does have a Cornell doctorate, which fits.
-Church is definitely not a Tarski student or descendant. Church received his doctorate in 1927 at Princeton; at that time Tarski was still in Poland (and didn't even have a significant international reputation).
-The Review of Metaphysics list of dissertations awarded has Segerberg as a Hintikka student, not as a Scott student.

7/27/2005 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Putnam didn't go to Harvard from MIT until '65, so if Achinstein got his PhD in '61 someone other than Putnam must have been the advisor. See here:

7/27/2005 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Brink, all of the following were in his dissertation committee at Cornell: Boyd, Lyons, Sturgeon, Irwin. The strongest thanks in the preface to his book go to the last two (in ascending order of strength). But, as I said, that doesn't settle the question of who was formally the chair of his committee, which seems to be your criterion.

7/27/2005 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter van Inwagen and Ted Warfield were joint advisors for Alicia Finch.

Eleonore Stump was the advisor for: Jason Eberl, Jennifer Weed, Christopher Brown, Kevin Timpe

7/27/2005 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carl Ginet was John Martin Fischer's advisor at Cornell. Fischer, in turn, advised Dan Speak at UC-R.

7/28/2005 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm. Scott lists Segerberg as his student here:

Not that I doubt the Review of Metaphysics, but you would think Scott would know?

7/28/2005 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and a typo: you have Jack Copeland as Chellas's student, but he is Scott's student.

7/28/2005 01:16:00 PM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...


The Review of Metaphysics list also has Brink down as an Irwin student, so I'm going to change the tree to reflect that.

7/28/2005 02:05:00 PM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...


I'm happy to take Scott's word over the RoM lists, which I have some skepticism about (despite my just having appealed to their authority in my previous comment).

7/28/2005 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Hinchliff's name is spelled incorrectly. Twice. He was a student of David Lewis's.

7/28/2005 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phillip Goggans' advisor was Peter van Inwagen--when he was at Syracuse.

7/31/2005 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several additions to the ends of lines:
Paul Boghossian was the advisor of Masahiro Yamado.

Barry Loewer (Hintikka student) was the advisor of Jill North and Nichael Strevens

Steven Stitch was the advisor of Chandra Sripada, Ron, Mallon, Richard Samuels, and Stephen Laurence

Lary Tempkin was the advisor of Mikhail Valdman

John McDowell was the advisor of Matthew Boyle, Maura Aumulty, and Susan Sterrett

Ted Sider was the advisor for Ryan Wasserman.

Brian Mclaughlin was the advisor for Adam Wagner, Troy Cross, Jonathan Cohen, and Jonathan Schaffer

David Rosenthal (Rorty Student) was the advisor of Mark McEvoy

David Gauthier was the advisor of Clair Finkelstein, Tommy Shelbie, and Candice Vogler

8/01/2005 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg Wheeler is a Kyburg student.

8/02/2005 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that it is right that Goodman was Catherine Elgin's advisor. In her obituary for Goodman in the Journal for General Philosophy of Science (2000) she writes: "I was never Nelson Goodman's student."
In a broader sense she surely does belong in that line, though.

For more on Goodman see here:

Some more additions: Crispin Wright was the advisor of Annalisa Coliva, Lars Gundersen, Jesper Kallestrup, Cyrus Panjvani, Patrice Philie, and Sven Rosenkranz.

Michael Dummett, I seem to rememeber, was supervised by Anscombe.

Lakatos was the advisor of Peter Clark.

Berys Gaut was the advisor of Brandon Cook.

8/04/2005 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The spelling is: Brandon Cooke!


8/04/2005 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, and maybe you want to add:

Robert McNaughton was the advisor of
John Corcoran who was the advisor of
Stewart Shapiro who was the advisor of
Roy Cook.

So, now I shut up.


8/04/2005 08:10:00 AM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...

Thanks again, everyone. I've got all of the new contributions added.

Catherine Elgin was a student of Richard Burian at Brandeis. Burian was a student of Wilfrid Sellars.

8/04/2005 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the false lead on Elgin! A few more to Add: Brian Skyrms was the advisor of Peter Vanderschraaft. Charles Taylor (who I don't think is on the list) was the advisor of Fredrick Beiser. Surely Taylor must have had several more students over the years, but I don't know who they are.

Margaret Wilson was the advisor of Rae Langton.

Alasdair MacIntyre was the advisor of Melisa Barry and Mark Murphy. (you may have the later, but don't have the former, I'm pretty sure.)

Stephen Toulman was at least _a_ advisor to Robert J Richards (Chicago) (I can't tell from the page if he was the main advisor but he seems to have been. This is from the CHSS page at Chicago)

William Wimsatt was the advisor of James Griesmer. I believe that Wimsatt was also Sahotra Sarkar's advisor.

8/04/2005 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeffrey Goodman is a child of David Braun

Todd Long is a child of Richard Feldman

8/06/2005 01:04:00 PM  
Blogger Angelo said...

I am a 3rd year PhD student in University College Dublin.
I have two supervisors: Teresa Iglesias (Oxford) and Gerard Casey (Notre Dame).
David Pears was the advisor of Teresa Iglesias in Oxford. She also studied with Elisabeth Anscombe for her post-doc.
I am going to ask Gerard Casey about his own advisor.

Angelo Bottone

8/08/2005 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great project. A few Yale-related additions:

Robert Adams advised Sukjae Lee (Ohio State) and Scott Ragland (St. Louis University).

George Schrader advised Allen Wood. Allen Wood advised Andrew Chignell (Cornell) and Rebecca Copenhaver (Lewis & Clark).

Keith Derose advised Todd Buras (Baylor).

Shelly Kagan advised Kelly Sorensen (Ursinus College).

And, unrelated to Yale, I believe that Jeff King (USC) was advised by Zeno Vendler.

8/08/2005 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take it back -- Allen Wood was not Rebecca Copenhaver's advisor; Zoltan Szabo was.

8/08/2005 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Etchemendy advised Sun-Joo Shin (Yale).

8/08/2005 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Josh,

Thanks for putting this together.

One addition: my name is Thomas Bittner and my advisor was Charles Marks.


8/08/2005 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gregg Ten Elshof's advisor was Dallas Willard

8/08/2005 08:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Josh.

You might want to correct the lineage of Josiah Royce, whose advisor is indicated in your tree ad C.S. Peirce.

According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy articles on Royce and Peirce, Royce earned his PhD at Johns Hopkins in 1878 and Peirce started teaching at Johns Hopkins in 1879. These date are given at a large number of other internet sources. So it seems unlikely that Peirce was Royce's dissertation advisor.


8/09/2005 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some other students of Kyburg's:

William Harper, (Phil PhD) Western Ontario

Ron Loui (CS & Phil PhD), Washington U at St. Louis

Abhaya Nayak (Phil PhD), doing CS @ Macquarie, AU

Choh Man Teng (CS PhD), doing CS and formal epistemology at IHMC, Pensacola.

Prasanta Bandyopadhyay, (Phil PhD) Montana State

Also, I'm nearly certain that Horacio Arlo-Costa (CMU) was a student of Isaac Levi's.

8/09/2005 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edmund Husserl's dissertation advisor at Vienna was Leo Königsberger not Brentano. Husserl took courses with Brentano later. Also, Heidegger studied under Heinrich Rickert, while he was only an assistant to Husserl. And, Arendt did her dissertation under Jaspers not under Heidegger.

8/09/2005 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Schmidtz is my advisor. His advisor was Allen Buchanan, who's advisor was Stephen Darwall, whose advisor was Kurt Baier.

8/09/2005 08:54:00 AM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...

OK, I think I'm caught up again. Matt, according to a list that Notre Dame sent me of doctorates granted, Melissa Barry's advisor was David Solomon.

Too bad about the failure of the Royce > Peirce link. I guess I'll have to start digging around about Royce's education now.

8/09/2005 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here some info from CMU:

Wilfried Sieg's advisor was Solomon Feferman

Sieg advised:

Barbara Kauffmann
John Byrnes
Mark Ravaglia

In addition to the one on the list,
Clark Glymour advised:

David Malament
Richard Scheines (wrong spelling in your list)
John Bruer
David Sharp
Connie Kagan
Constantine Caffrentzis
Joel Smith
Kenneth Aizawa
Dirk Schlimm

Peter Spirtes advised:

Christopher Meek
Thomas Richardson
Tianjiao Chu

8/09/2005 12:14:00 PM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...

In a brief autobiographical sketch, Josiah Royce lists people who were significant intellectual influences during his undergradiate time at th University of California, mentions his studies in Germany, and then simply asserts that he received his doctorate from Johns Hopkins in 1878, without mentioning anyone involved.

In the introduction to the letters of Royce, he is described, during his time at Johns Hopkins, as a "student of philosophy at a university without philosophers", so it's looking like he had no philosophical teacher for his doctorate. If that's right, his primary philosophical teachers were those he had in Germany, primary among whom were Wundt and Lotze. I want to look around a bit more, but right now those two look like the best bets.

I suspect there's a route from both Wundt and Lotze back to Kant, but I don't know the nineteenth-century German philosophers well enough to plot it out.

8/09/2005 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Norman Martin was my advisor (University of Texas at Austin, 1976).

8/09/2005 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other additions:

Under Charles Taylor: Michael Rosen (Lincoln, Oxford)

Under Michael Forster: Susan Hahn (Kenyon)

Under Gadamer:
Dieter Henrich (Munich, emeritus)
Under Henrich:
Manfred Frank (Tuebingen)
Rolf-Peter Horstmann (HU-Berlin)
Ruedigger Bittner (Bielefeld)

Under Larmore:
Michelle Kosch (Michigan)
Simone Chambers (Toronto)

Under Putnam and Cavell:
Paul Franks (Toronto)

Under Cavell and Rawls:
Arnold Davidson

Under Putnam:
James Conant

Under Cavell:
Timothy Gould (Metropolitan St.-Denver)
Steven Affeldt (Notre Dame)
Nancy Bauer (Tufts)

Under Manley Thompson:
Stephen Engstrom (Pittsburgh)
Richard Eldridge (Swarthmore)

Under Danto:
Peter Kivy (Rutgers)

8/10/2005 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few more additions:

Under Putnam, C.L. Hardin

Under Sidny Hook- Gertrude Ezorsky, Richard Gale, and Bella Milmed

Walter Kaufman was the advisor of Frithjof Bergman, so Bergman's line can be moved under Kaufman

Dagfin Follesdal was the advisor of Samuel Todes

John Rawls was the advisor of Edmund Pincoffs

Max Black was the advisor of Newton Garver

Richard Popkin was the advisor of David Fate Norton

Ledger Wood was the advisor of Guy Strolt

Nelson Goodman was the advisor of Howard De Long

Richard Bernstein (son of Gewirth) was the advisor of William McBride

J.W. Yolton as the advisor of Jerome Schneewind (curently an orphan)

Aron Gurwitsch (who doesn't seem to be listed yet) was the advisor of Henry Allison

Bernard Peach (also not listed yet, I think) was the advisor of Edwin Curley

And a question: Is Ruth Ann Mathers (advised by Carnap) now known as Ruth Ann Putnam?

8/10/2005 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Josiah Royce:

Russell B. Goodman, Professor and Chair at UNM, has a web page, "American Philosophy In The 18th & 19th Centuries", here:

Goodman writes: "Josiah Royce (1855-1916) was raised in the California goldrush town of Grass Mountain, studied English at the University of California at Berkeley and philosophy in Germany. At Johns Hopkins from 1876-8, he studied with George Sylvester Morris, a scholar of German philosophy and a proponent T. H. Green." This might help.


8/10/2005 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...


That's excellent news on Royce. George Sylvester Morris is already tied in to the Leibniz line, so this links together two of the major families, and creates a Leibnizian family of 415 people, beating out the Whitehead family.

8/10/2005 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the Mathematics Genalogy Project

Hans Reichenbach's advisors were:

Emmy Noether (not Max as you listed)
and Paul Hensel

Emmy's advisor was Paul Gordan, who was advised by Karl Jacobi (which joins the line you have).

8/10/2005 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Filmer Stuart Cuckow Northrop:

"In 1924 [Northrop] received his Ph.D. from Harvard with a dissertation in philosophy on the problem of organization in biology, a topic which brought him under the joint supervision of [William Ernest] Hocking and the noted American physiologist L. J. Henderson." (Andrew J. Reck 1968, The New American Philosophers: An Exploration of Thought Since World War II, Louisiana State University Press, p. 198)

I believe that Hocking, in turn, studied under either Josiah Royce or William James. If the former, then I have a very rich family tree. :) If the latter, then that's the end of the line, since James had an MD.


8/10/2005 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Josiah Royce and George Sylvester Morris:

It might be noted that Morris was not Royce's teacher, but was rather Royce's examiner. Royce was at Johns Hopkins from 1876 until 1878, when he earned his Ph.D. Morris arrived at Johns Hopkins in January of 1878 -- in fact, he only spent one month (January) in Baltimore that year. So he probably wasn't much of an influence on Royce.

My source is Robert Mark Wenley 1917, The life and work of George Sylvester Morris, a chapter in the history of American thought in the nineteenth century, MacMillan. Wenley writes: "In Janurary, 1978, Morris gavea course of twenty lectures on History of Philosophy, with an average attendance of one hundred and twenty-four. It is interesting to note that duties as an examiner were assigned to him forthwith, and that, in this year, he acted as examiner of Professor Josiah Royce, on the major subject (History of Philosophy) ... for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy." (p. 139)

8/10/2005 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some more additions, from the Review of Metaphysics:

Putnam was the advisor of Robert Brandon (the philosopher of biology)

Carl Hemple was the advisor of John Earman

Ernest Nagel was the advisor of Arthur Caplan

Patrick Suppes was the advisor of Paul Humphreys

James Higginbotham was the advisor of Josef Stern

John Wallace (son of Davidson) was the advisor of Alan Brinton

Alexander Nehemas was the advisor of Patricia Curd

Hubert Dryfus was the advisor of John Richardson

Alvin Goldman was the advisor of Martha Bolton and Fredrick Schmitt

Richard Brandt was the advisor of Gerald Vision, Holly Smith Goldman (currently an orphan on the list), Leslie Francis, Gregory Kavka, Anita Allen, and Donald Regan

You have John Searle listed as Richard Arenson's advisor, but the ROM has Hans Sluga listed. No telling which is right.

E. Pincoffs, son of Rawls (to be added) was the advisor of William "slots" Bennett and W. David Solomon

Rawls was the advisor of Lawrence Blum

Joel Feinberg was the advisor of Arthur Kuflik

C.L. Stevenson was the advisor of Werner Pluhar

8/10/2005 12:24:00 PM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...


How embarrassing for me. It's fixed now, and will show up with the next update.


I checked out A William Ernest Hocking Reader, which says that he received a bachelor's degree from Harvard in 1901 (I believe in engineering), and took a philosophy class from Royce during that time that caught his interest. He then studied in Germany for two years (taking classes from Husserl, preusumably among others). He then returned to Harvard in 1903 for graduate work, and received his doctorate in 1904. It's not clear how substantial an advisorial role could have been formed in that one year. So, nothing definitive. I think Royce looks most likely, but I'll try to find more.

Looks like there's some inconsistency on the Royce > Morris information. I'll have to see if anything more can be found. If Morris is ruled out, then Lotze and Wundt look like the best candidates for Royce, so I better start working back on those. Lotze's advisor was Christian Hermann Weisse, and there are some hints of a link (although probably not direct) between Weisse and Johann Herbart, which would then tie into the Kant/Leibniz line.


Thanks. I'll start adding these. I'm working on compiling the RoM lists into a searchable document, at which point I'll be able to fill in some gaps, but there's a ways to go with that still.

8/10/2005 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Josh,

Here's the rest of the people I'd pulled from the ROM- I'd looked up through '82, I think, but just took people I recognized or ones where I knew there was some connection to the list aready. Hopefully this is still of some help.

Robert Paul Wolff was Dan Brock's advisor (Brock is an orphan on the list so far)

Rogers Albritton was Richard Millar's advisor

William Frakena was the advisor of Warren Quinn (currently an orphan) and, I'm sure, many others. I seem to think that Frankena was a student of C.L. Stevenson, but don't know if that's right.

Vere Chappell was William Lycan's advisor

Newton Garver (son of Max Black, to be added) was the advisor of Alison Jagger

Stanley Cavell was the advisor of Naomi Scheman and Ted Cohen. Ted Cohen was in turn the advisor of Mary Devereaux and Richard Eldridge

Isreal Scheffler was the advisor of Christopher Hill and William Talbot

James Ross (son of Chisholm) was the advisor of Edwin McCann

Arthur Danto was the advisor of Alan Goldman and George Sher

Rodrick Firth was the advisor of Sissela Bock and Patricia Greenspan

Gertrude Ezorsky (daughter of Hook, to be added) was the advisor of Diana T. Meyers

Robert Brumbaugh was the advisor of Kenneth Seeskin

Robert Fogelin was the advisor of Jorge Garcia and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong

Allen Wood was the advisor of Leonard Harris

Bernard Gert (son of Stewart Brown) was the advisor of Edward McClennan

Lenord Linsky was the advisor of Janice Moulton

Frederick Olafson was the advisor of David Ingram

Alasdair MacIntyre was the advisor of Linda Nicholson

David Gauthier was the advisor of Lynn McFall

Jose Ferrater Mora was the advisor of John Caputo

Manley Thompson was the advisor of Michael Loux and William Bechtel

George Roberts was the advisor of James Nickel

E. McMullin was the advisor of Thamas McCarthy, who was in turn the advisor of Georgia Warnke (among others)

Milton Fisk was the advisor of Don Marquis

Stephen Barker was the advisor of Tom Beauchamp

Martin Golding was the advisor of Virgina Held

Morten White was the advisor of Marcia Cavell

D. Keyt was the advisor of Fred Miller

David Rasmusson was the advisor of Lucious Outlaw

Fred Westphal was the advisor of Peter French

Milton Munitz was the advisor of Alex Orenstein

John Compton was the advisor of Lynn Rudder Baker

William Ruddick was the advisor of Sandra Harding

Robert Binkley was the advisor of Marilyn Friedman

Stanley Rosen was the advisor of Robert Pippin, Charles Griswold, and David Roochnik

John M. Anderson was the advisor of Iris M. Young

Arthur Collins was the advisor of Howard Wettstein

James Scanlon was the advisor of Douglas Husak

H.G. Hersberg and Bas Van Frassen were the advisors of Calvin Normore

David Lyons was the advisor of David Copp

Anthony Quinton was the advisor of Larry May (Quinton took over from Hana Arandt, who died.)

Judson webb was the advisor of Owen Flanagon

James Collins was the advisor of Daniel Dahlstrom

J.J. Owens was the advisor of James Lennox

Willam C. Smith was the advisor of nancy Tuana

Nicholas White was the advisor of Alfred mele

John Dolan was the advisor of Howard McGary

Peter Caws was the advisor of Eva Kittay

Carl Ginet was the advisor of J.M. Fisher

Rom Harre was the advisor of Alison Wylie

8/10/2005 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Josh:

What an interesting project!

FWIW, my PhD (Notre Dame, 1985) supervisor was W. David Solomon (currently on p. 41 of your document, just before Cornelius Delaney). In turn, I have supervised the following PhD students:

Ph.D., Allison Ross, University of Leeds, 2004.

Ph.D., Christopher Taylor, University of Leeds, 2003 (co-supervisor, Bryan Frances).

Ph.D., Zenon Stavrinides, University of Leeds, 1999;

Ph.D., Robert Davies, University of Leeds, 1999.

Best wishes,

Mark T. Nelson
(University of Leeds)

8/11/2005 04:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

William Ernest Hocking and Josiah Royce.

1. Hocking > Royce. I think we can safely count Royce as Hocking's teacher. In The life and thought of Josiah Royce (revised and expanded, Vanderbilt University Press, 1999), John Clendenning writes, "A list of Royce's students reads like a Who's Who of American philosophy for the first half of the twentieth century: George Santayana, Charles M. Bakewell, A.O. Lovejoy, Mary Whiton Calkins, William Pepperell Montague, John Elof Boodin, Ralph Barton Perry, W.E. Hocking, Harold Chapman Brown, Morris R. Cohen, Horace M. Kallen, C.I. Lewis, Harry T. Costello, Jacob Loewenberg, C.J. Ducasse, and Henry M. Sheffer." (p. 330) I should also point out that Hocking and Gabriel Marcel were great defenders and interpreters of Royce, both during and after Royce's lifetime.

2. Royce > Who?. This is more complicated. In ibid. we read,

2a. "On April 2, 1878, Royce submitted his doctoral thesis ... At Gilman's [the president of Johns Hopkins University] request, Noah Porter, the president of Yale, agreed to examine the thesis." p. 69

2b. "On June 11 [1878], he [Royce] reported that his Ph.D. was 'about settled.' President Porter had read the thesis with high approval, and G.S. Morris, who administered Royce's comprehensive examination in the history of philosophy, wrote from Michigan [Morris had simultaneous appointments at Michigan and Johns Hopkins] to say that he had read the paper 'with more interest than he would feel in reading a novel, and that it only depends on the efforts of such to make great things happen in American Philosophy.'" p. 72

It seems that there were no senior philosophers at Johns Hopkins in the years that Royce was there. There was an active group of "fellows", i.e. Ph.D. candidates. I gather that the president of Johns Hopkins, Daniel Coit Gilman, acted as a kind professional mentor. But Gilman was a geographer, and very little of what I read connected the two philosophically, with the exception of a (probably false) hunch to be found here: "Royce may have studied under the university president, Daniel Coit Gilman, who had previously been president of the University of California, Royce's undergraduate alma mater."

2c. If we consider Royce's German teachers, we should consider his own remarks, or a summary of them, found in a collection of his writings: "In Germany I heard Lotze at Goettingen, and was for a while strongly under his influence. The reading of schopenhauer was another strong influence during my life as a student in Germany. I long paid a great deal of attention to the philosophy of Kant." (Words of Professor Royce at the Walton Hotel at Philadelphia December 29, 1915", in Josiah Royce: Basic Writings, vol. 1, J. McDermitt (ed), University of Chicago Press.)

I think that we should count Royce as Morris's and/or Porter's progeny. He was influenced by Lotze and took courses with him, but never completed a degree in Germany. He did complete a degree at Johns Hopkins, at which point I gather he was no longer in touch with Lotze. He had some contact with William James, by whom he was influenced, but not enough, I think, to count James as a mentor. Given the absence of mentors during the dissertation writing period, we should look to his examiners, Morris and Porter. Porter only read his dissertation; Morris both read his dissertation and conducted his oral examination in the history of philosophy: so, if we insist on one immediate progenitor, I would go with Morris. But, of course, it's up to Josh Dever!

8/11/2005 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg

The tree has Karl Reinhold has Trendelenburg's mentor. I think that this is inaccurate.

Reinhold was certainly one of T's many teachers. But Reinhold was at T's first university, in Kiel, not where he wrote his doctoral dissertation, in Berlin. T's route seems to have been as follows: 1822, Kiel; 1823, Leipzig; 1824-26, Berlin.

Based on the quotations below, I would guess that Trendelenburg's advisor/examiner/whatever was either Hegel or Schleiermacher. Maybe both.

1. "Ostern 1822 ging Trendelenburg an die Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel, um Philosophie und Philologie zu studieren. Bei Karl Leonard Reinhold ... und bei Erich von Berger hörte er Vorlesungen in Philosophie. ... Nach einer zweisemestrigen Zwischenstation an der Leipziger Universität setzte er sein Studium in Berlin ... fort. Hier besuchte er philosophische Kollegien bei Hegel, Schleiermacher und Steffens sowie philologische Vorlesungen und Übungen bei Boeckh, Neander und Bopp. Nach Abfassung der Dissertation Platonis de ideis et numeris doctrina ex Aristotele illustrata wurde Trendelenburg von der philosophischen Fakultät der Berliner Universität am 10. Mai 1826 promoviert."

2. "The intellectual richness of the University of Berlin's philosophical atmosphere prompted [Trendelenburg] thereafter to leave Leipzig for Berlin to sit under Hegel and Schleiermarcher." (G.G. Rosenstock 1964, F.A. Trendelenburg, Forerunner to John Dewey, Southern Illinois University Press, p. 5) Rosenstock does not tell us who Trendelenburg's main mentor was, though he does write, "Despite the influence of Hegel, his philosophical studies at Berlin had veered more and more in the direction of Plato and Aristotle. He soon subordinated his philosological studies to work which would give him a deeper understanding of the two Greeks. He published his doctoral dissertation under the title, Platonis de ideis et numeris doctrina ex Aristotlele illustrata." (p. 6)

3. "Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg, nato nel 1802, elaborò una filosofia fortemente influenzata dalla sua formazione universitaria. Studiò infatti a Kiel con Reinhold, a Lipsia con Hermann il grecista e a Berlino con Hegel e Schleiermacher."

4. "1824 wechselt T. nach Berlin, wo er u.a. August Boeckh (Philologe, 24.11. 1785 - 3.8. 1867), Franz Bopp (Orientalist und indogermanischer Sprachforscher, 14.9. 1791 - 23.10. 1867), Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, August Neander, Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher und Henrik Steffens (Philosoph, 2.5. 1773 - 13.2. 1845) hört."

8/11/2005 12:40:00 PM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...


Thanks again for the detailed research. I'm listing Royce under Morris for now. It's not perfect, I know, but until better information comes along, it's just too tempting to join up the various familial lines.

You're quite right that the Trendelenberg > Reinhold link is extremely tenuous. I'll pursue both the Hegel and the Schleiermacher lines and see if I can get anywhere. I take some comfort in seeing, as I look into some of the older details, that the Mathematical Genealogy Project seems to apply even laxer standards than I do on some of the older lines. The Leibniz -> Bernoulli link, for example (which I lifted from their genealogy into ours), seems on investigation to be pretty much entirely fictional.

8/11/2005 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Derrida's advisor was not Levinas, but Maurice de Gandillac, at least for his Diplôme des études supérieures -- he submitted the already-published Of Grammatology to get his Doctorat, which was therefore not officially written under anyone, unless I misunderstand the French system. De Gandillac is at least a good place to start.

Under Derrida should go the following:

Sarah Kofman
Sylviane Agacinski
Catherine Malabou

8/12/2005 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernard Williams supervised John Skorupski who supervised Simon Robertson.

8/15/2005 04:04:00 AM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...

Thanks again, everyone. A few comments:

-I've placed Moore under McTaggart. I might also put Russell there, but I want to check a few biographical sources first and see if that looks like the best option.

-Kuklick, in The Rise of American Philosophy, says that Stevenson wrote his dissertation under Perry at Harvard.

-Michael Rosen tells me that Beiser started under Taylor and switched to Berlin, but that Berlin was probably a better parentage than Taylor for him.

-Matt, you're right about the Arpaly-Moravcsik switch. It's fixed now.

-Patrick, I love the D'Alembert line. I've put it in. You're right that there are some dubious steps in there, but maybe if I include it, someone who knows the area better than I will fill in some further details.

8/15/2005 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the excellent new way to waste time...

On 19th Century Germans: I don't know who to put C.H. Weisse under, but I do believe that you can connect the Weisse line to the Rickert line in the following way: Lotzes-Wilhelm Windelband-Rickert.

Of course, I got this largely from, which is probably not the most trustworthy source.

8/16/2005 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Candace Vogler's first name is misspelled on your tree.

Further, she was my advisor.

Eric Wiland

8/17/2005 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a quote from the preface of Frederick Beiser's new book on Hegel:

"I wrote my Oxford DPhil on the origins of Hegel's Phenomenology under the supervision of Charles Taylor, a model Doktorvater, to whom I have many debts."

That seems to settle that question...

8/17/2005 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edwin McCann advised Daniel Yim.

8/17/2005 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Bell supervised David DeVidi, Michael Hallett, and Graham Priest.

8/18/2005 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Josh,
Interesting project.

Two points:
(a) Having just read Ray Monk's Biography of Russell, I think it would be a mistake don't to put Russell under McTaggart. ("Russell's real philosophical mentor, however, was none of his tutors, but McTaggart. . ." p.64). I think that the best bet would be Whitehead - who was one of Russell's examiners (together with ward) for his Fellowship dissertation (this is the "Foundations of Geometry" that Matt mentions in his posting). Monk writes:"There had, of course, never been any doubt about Russell's success, and Whitehead later excused himself for the severity of his criticisms by saying with a smile that it was the last time he would be able to speak to Russell as a pupil" (p.105)

(b) You mis-spelt my name. Correct spelling: "Lucas Thorpe". (Student of Paul Guyer who was a student of Stanley Cavell)

keep up the good work!

8/19/2005 12:59:00 AM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...


Thanks. Spelling correction made.

I had been looking over the same passage myself yesterday, trying to decide what to do with Bertie. I had found myself leaning toward Ward -- influenced perhaps by the fact that Ward was McTaggart's teacher, so it's also a way to get in some of the McTaggartian influence. (Also Ward was Stout's teacher, and Stout is listed as a teacher of Russell.) Monk isn't as clear as he might be on this, but the impression I get is that Whitehead was effectively Russell's mathematical parent, but not so much his philosophical one. The only course I see mentioned that Russell took from Whitehead was one on statics (see p. 46). But I remain undecided.

(Actually, I've been a bit tempted to put Whitehead down as a student of Russell's -- my vague impression is that Russell was effectively Whitehead's path of entry to philosophical work.)

8/19/2005 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great project!

Arthur Danto's advisor was John Herman Randall Jr.

Also, here are a few more students advised by Danto:
David Carrier
Jiuan Heng
Alan Tormey
Judith Tormey
Berel Lang

(This information is from Professor Danto himself)


8/20/2005 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Josh (if I may),
Steve Darwall and Dan Garber in fact were joint "first-reader(s)" on my diss. committee. I don't know how you're handling this sort of thing (the tree version came out mangled on my poor old lap top when I downloaded it). But I thought I should let you know-- I'm deeply grateful to both Steve & Dan, & (far more importantly for your purposes) if grad students want to know what philosophical inheritance they'd be getting in having me as an advisor, the more accurate answer is that such virtues as have I are owing in equal parts to Dan & Steve's mentoring. The vices, of course, are my own. grin.
All best,
Kate Abramson

8/21/2005 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Moore's intellectual autobiography in the Schilpp volume, he gives the impression that his dissertation advisor (for his dissertation on Kant's ethics) was James Ward. He says that McTaggart was his most influential lecturer, but that was at the stage of the Moral Sciences Tripos (1892-96), which came before his two years writing a dissertation (1896-98). For those two years, Ward is mentioned a number of times as a guiding figure. No-one else is mentioned as playing an active role in those years, except Sidgwick as an elector.

In Russell's autiobiography, he says that the readers of his dissertation were Whitehead (mathematical) and Ward (philosophical). So there is probably a good case for listing Ward as Russell's dissertation advisor also.

8/22/2005 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some parents for people currently listed as orphans (information in all cases from the horse's mouth). William Alston's advisor was Charles Hartshorne. Fred Dretske's advisor was May Brodbeck, whose advisor was Gustav Bergmann. John Fischer's advisor was Carl Ginet. Bryan Frances's primary advisor was Joseph Owens. Alvin Goldman's advisor was Paul Benacerraf. Sally Haslanger's advisor was George Myro. Steve Yablo says that he also thinks of Myro as his advisor, although officially Davidson's name was listed first since he was more prominent. Possibly both could be listed.

C.D. Broad's autobiographical
suggest strongly that the dominant teacher while he was a student at Cambridge was McTaggart.

8/24/2005 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Herbert Hochberg, Rinehardt Grossmann, Edwin B allaire, Laird Addis and May Brodbeck are students of Gustav Bergmann

Douglas Lewis is a student of Allaire

Paul Thomson is a student of Thomas A. Goudge

Everett Hall should be on the list

8/30/2005 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry Bracken is a student of Richard Popkin

Philip Cumins and Richard Watson are students of Bracken Watson also worked with Robert Turnbull.

8/30/2005 05:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some more bits and pieces, mostly from browsing in the library.

Cavell's biggest influence by far in graduate school was JL Austin (who taught graduate seminars at Harvard and on whose work Cavell wrote his dissertation; no other Harvard figure is acknowledged in the published version of the dissertation), so it would probably be reasonable to list him as advisor. Austin's most important teacher at Oxford appears to have been Prichard (who was taught by Cook Wilson, who was taught by T.H. Green).

Leibniz's most important philosophical mentor appears to have been Jakob Thomasius, not Weigel. But I'd say there's something to be said for stopping the line at Leibniz, unless it can be pushed much further back.

In two biographical pieces on Chauncey Wright, neither mention Francis Bowen, and one identifies James Walker as his most important teacher.

Isaiah Berlin's most influential teacher was Frank Hardie.

Forsyth and Thomson appear to have played only a minimal role in Whitehead's training, as his fellowship examiners. A book on his life and work identifies E.J. Routh as his most important mathematics teacher. It also suggests that McTaggart was his earliest important philosophical influence, via the Cambridge Apostles, even though McTaggart was younger. I think there's something to be said for listing him under McTaggart.

In Ledger Wood's foreword to his revised edition of Frank Thilly's history of philosophy, Wood doesn't explicitly identify Thilly as his advisor but does say that he worked very closely with Thilly both as an undergraduate and as a graduate at Cornell. I'd say that the odds are that Thilly was his advisor.

Hugh Mellor says that Ramsey didn't have a clear undergraduate advisor, but that his biggest influences were Russell, Keynes, and Wittgenstein. Since Keynes wasn't a philosopher and Wittgenstein would lead to circularity, and since Ramsey's fellowship thesis was on Russell's foundations of mathematics, it might make sense to put him under Russell.

Armstrong's Ph.D. advisor was A.C. Jackson (whose advisor was Wittgenstein), not Anderson. The Australasian family tree is coming along shortly.

8/31/2005 04:56:00 AM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...

Thanks, everyone. Lots of good stuff here, and I think I've gotten it all added now.

David, the Austin line seems to go from T.H. Green on back to Benjamin Jowett and then Arthur Stanley. LEdger Wood's teacher Frank Thilly seems to have studied with Kuno Fischer, although it isn't clear whether Fischer was his main influence. Fischer is repeatedly described as "Hegelian", but the dates don't work out for him to be an actual Hegel student.

I like the idea of putting Whitehead under McTaggart. Doing so results in the tree being dominated by two large families -- the Leibniz family and the Russell-Moore-Whitehead family (descended from Weisse-Lotze-Ward), each around 700 people at the moment. I've also followed your suggestion of removing Weigel, who had been inherited from what I've come to realize is a very unreliable (at least in the older ranges) Mathematics Genealogy. I'd seen Thomasius listed as well, but I'm going to follow your suggestion of holding at Leibniz for the time. Maybe eventually a line can be stretched from him back to the Scholastics.

8/31/2005 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard Cartwright and William Frankena jointly advised Jordan Howard Sobel

8/31/2005 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re Ramsey: I received the following from Michael Potter. It may be that it's Moore or nobody.

Ramsey's "Foundations of mathematics" paper wasn't really a thesis, although he submitted it for a Cambridge essay prize (which it didn't win). Russell had left Cambridge quite a long time earlier, and as far as I know Ramsey didn't meet him until February 1924, and then only briefly. (The following year they corresponded about Russell's Intro to the second edition of PM, but that was because Russell wanted Ramsey to check the proofs for him.) So I think it would be quite a distortion to treat Russell as in any sense Ramsey's research supervisor.

He didn't have a research supervisor. The biggest influence on him philosophically was certainly Wittgenstein, but the only "teaching" he got from that source was a fortnight in Austria in 1923 discussing the Tractatus. Ramsey's teachers were the members of the Cambridge maths faculty of the time: I don't think any one of them stands out particularly. (He did attend Moore's philosophy lectures while he was an undergraduate, but I don't get much sense that they influenced him a great deal.)

9/01/2005 04:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can add a bit to the Stanley Rosen-Robert Pippen line:

Rosen was a student of Leo Strauss, and thus a brother to Allen Bloom. (Strauss took classes from Husserl, I believe, but I don't think that amounted to an advisor relationship.) Pippen was Dan Conway's advisor, and Conway has directed a number of dissertations at Penn State, including those of Hasana Sharp (McGill) and myself (William Roberts--Washington & Jefferson College).

I wish i knew more.

9/01/2005 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Under Larry Sklar you have "Howard Batterman". I assume this is Robert Batterman.

Also, a question about Donald Davidson. I have seen a few lists of Quine's students (such as and Davidson is not listed as a PhD student of Quine. According to the Schlip volume on Davidson he did his dissertation on Plato's Philebus. At one time his advison was CI Lewis, but it isn't clear that this was his final advisor.

9/02/2005 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both Eric Rubenstein and Mary Macleod were students of Jay Rosenberg.

9/03/2005 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann Ferguson was the advisor of Lisa Tessman, 1996 (me). Lisa Tessman was the advisor of Christal Frakes, 2004.
Ann Ferguson was also the advisor of Kimberly Leighton, 2003.
Robert Paul Wolff was the advisor of Amie Macdonald, 1997.
Claudia Card was the advisor of Maria Lugones, Victoria Davion, and Chris Cuomo.

9/05/2005 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Hugh Mellor's advisor was Mary Hesse. I believe that her advisor was Braithwaite, but I'm not certain. Mellor's students include Jeremy Butterfield, Anthony Appiah, Robin Le Poidevin, William Grey, Huw Price, Jamie Whyte, Nigel Warburton, Derek Matravers and Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra.

On Ramsey: I'm starting to think that the best solution may be to leaver Ramsey as an orphan and list Wittgenstein under Russell. That's a pretty minimal piece of corner-cutting, as Russell was obviously by the leading influence on Wittgenstein as a student, as well as the playing the largest role with respect to Wittgenstein's Ph.D. thesis, the Tractatus. And it integrates Wittgenstein's descendants into the tree.

9/05/2005 10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Gauthier was the advisor of Geoffrey Sayre-McCord and Robin Dillon.

9/06/2005 07:01:00 AM  
Blogger Michael Pakaluk said...

Thanks for putting together this modern list of 'successions'.

I didn't see Sarah Waterlow Broadie's name on the tree. To that end: Sarah Broadie (then at Yale) and John Rawls were joint supervisors of my dissertation. I don't know who supervised Broadie's dissertation.

9/06/2005 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gareth Matthews UMass-Amherst was advisor of Mechthild Nagel (PhD 1996).

9/06/2005 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mellor info is from the horse's mouth. He was influenced a lot by Braithwaite, but Hesse was his official supervisor. It turns out that Braithwaite wasn't Hesse's supervisor, though -- I don't know who was.

For a change of pace, here's a bit of the German psychology family tree involving Wilhelm Wundt (already on the tree) and various other psychologists of a philosophical persuasion. Note that Freud's advisor is generally held to be Brucke, and not Brentano (who is currently listed as such).

Karl Asmund Rudolphi
--Johannes Muller
----Emil Du Bois Reymond
----Rudolf Virchow
----Theodor Schwann
----Jakob Henle
----Ernst Brucke
------Sigmund Freud
----Hermann Helmholtz
------Max Planck
------Wilhelm Wundt
--------Edward Titchener
----------Edwin G. Boring
------------S.S. Stevens
----------Margaret Floy Washburn
--------Hugo Munsterberg
----------Mary Calkins
----------Robert Yerkes

9/07/2005 04:05:00 AM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...

OK, I've caught up now after a few days of slacking as the semester begins here. I'll have a new version up later today incorporating the latest comments.

A few responses:

-Joel, Davidson is a mess. Here's the basic story, as pieced together out of some detective work by Ernie Lepore and Kirk Ludwig. Davidson wrote a dissertation on the Philebus, which was signed by Raphael Demos and Donald Williams. Demos was the ancient specialist at Harvard at the time, so he was presumably chair.

The dissertation was apparently written while he was in southern California, and reasonably free of advisorial influence. Davidson seems never to have mentioned Demos as a figure in his intellectual development, and there's obviously overwhelming evidence of Quine having played a formative role. So I've gone ahead and put Davidson under Quine, just because it seems like he really ought to be there. I'm open to being swayed back the other direction, though.

-David, I'm still undecided on the best course of action for Ramsey, and the general Ramsey-Wittgenstein-Russell cluster. A further complication is that the Ramsey > Black link that I have in there must be wrong, since Black received a London doctorate in 1939, well after Ramsey died. So if that's changed, and Wittgenstein is moved to Russell, then Ramsey is left not only orphaned but also childless.

I think the tree is getting to the point now that a section of discussion of difficult cases would be useful. That would make it easier to be somewhat stipulative about those cases, since the subtleties would still be noted. I'll try to get started on that soon.

9/07/2005 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Josh,

My primary advisor was Louise Antony, not Simon Blackburn as reported on your tree. (Although I did work with Simon, too.)

Claire Horisk

9/07/2005 02:02:00 PM  
Blogger Pablo Stafforini said...

A. J. Ayer was Daniel Goldstick's advisor.

9/09/2005 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robert C. Pollock was the advisor for John J. McDermott.

James Daniel Collins was the advisor for Stephen Daniel and Michael Seidler

9/10/2005 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am almost positive that Judith Butler did her dissertation under Maurice Natanson at Yale

9/11/2005 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis Stampe was a student of Geoffrey Warnock

Sara Chant and Theodore Everett were students of Dennis Stampe

Sungsu Kim was a student of Berent Enc

9/11/2005 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeffrey Moriarty was the Student of Howard McGary

David Shoemaker was the student of Gary Watson

Steven Wall was the student of Joseph Raz

Ian Young was the student of Christopher Morris

9/17/2005 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred Freddoso's advisor was Michael Loux.

Loux was also co-advisor for Tom Flint, whose other co-advisor was Alvin Plantinga.

9/17/2005 10:06:00 PM  
Blogger Pablo Stafforini said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9/22/2005 06:11:00 PM  
Blogger Pablo Stafforini said...

Here's a complete list of people advised by Thomas Pogge, taken from his personal website:

Abraham Anderson

Yossi Dahan

Michael Shenefelt

Liam Murphy

Ruey-Yuan Wu

Balthasar Kehi

Michael Koesselman

Michael Kramer

Samuel Kerstein

Ser-Min Shei

Bashshar Haydar

Lars Johan Materstvedt

Uwe Hoffmann

Colin Bird

Lynn Jansen

Brian D. Orend

Øyvind Kvalnes

Cosmas Gitta

Kai Ingolf Johannessen

Kaveh Kamooneh

Bjørn Myskja

Amrita Dhawan

Alexander Cappelen

Robert Guay

Xiangdong Xu

Vidar Halvorsen

Mark Bajakian

Ferda Keskin

Nedim N. Nomer

Gerhard Øverland

Jose Mesa

Robert Armstrong

Vanessa Neumann

Tove Pettersen

Aysen Bilgen

Ernesto Garcia

Paul Spohr

Christian Barry

Jonathan Neufeld

9/22/2005 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Josh.

As I mentioned in an e-mail, Chisholm says that Lewis and D. C. Williams were the two readers of his thesis (in his intellectual autobiography in the Library of Living Philosophers volume), and says nice things about both of them (though I wouldn't pretend to know who had the greater influence on him -- one of his first big moves was to take the piss out of Lewis's phenomenalism, and his approach to metaphysics, which may have been influenced by Williams, didn't really blossom until later).

I feel sure I've seen a catalogue listing of Chisholm's thesis that had both their names on it.

One thing I don't know is: whether it was common practice to have two readers in those days, one of which was usually the "main advisor"; or if the presence of two readers suggests genuinely equal work on their part.

I'm also trying to track down Williams's forebears. I'm getting his dissertation, "a metaphysical interpretation of behariorism", in order to figure out who his advisor was.

Gee, this is fun! It's like baseball card collecting for philosophers!

Thanks for doing it.


9/22/2005 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An earlier comment here lists Ian Hacking as Susan Haack's advisor at Cambridge. In an interview in The Journal of World Philosophy, she says her B.Phil advisor was David Pears and PhD supervisor was Timothy Smiley.

9/24/2005 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've now posted a draft of the Australasian philosophy family tree.

9/24/2005 09:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A recent post of Matt's says that Arthur Fine was the advisor of "Andrew Buller". I am fairly confident that Arthur Fine was the advisor of David Buller at Northern Illinois, author or Adapting Minds. Is this simply a mistake or are these actually two different philosophers?

9/25/2005 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dummett advised Eva Picardi who advised Sebastiano Moruzzi.

9/28/2005 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Norman Malcolm was my advisor. He was also the advisor of my undergraduate teacher Edmund Gettier.

I advised doctoral dissertatons by
Larry Ashley
Charles Dunlop
Robert Moore
Shelley Park
Jack Wilson
Steve Geisz
Boris Kukso
Veronica Ponce
Avram Hiller

9/29/2005 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul Benacerraf advised Ronald de Sousa, who advised William Seager and Neera Badhwar.

10/02/2005 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some more Toronto connections: Hans Herzberger advised Achille Varzi.
Lynd Forguson advised Duncan McInstosh and Evan Thompson (who also worked with Dennett), but Forguson's adviser was Arnold Levison at Northwestern (1964), and I can't find out who Levison's adviser was.
Also, Ian Hacking advised David Hyder.

10/02/2005 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carl Stumpf advised the novelist, Robert Musil (whose dissertation was on Mach). Stumpf also advised the Gestalt psychologists Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler.

10/02/2005 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A correction re. Calvin Normore: Matt is close (8/10/2005 02:48:16), but one of Normore's advisors was Hans Herzberger (not Hersberg).
I couldn't find Feigl on the tree. His advisor was Moritz Schlick, who did his dissertation in physics under Max Planck. And I think Grover Maxwell was Feigl's student.

10/02/2005 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dretske advised Tim Schroeder (at Univ. of Manitoba). Sonia Sedivy advised Wolfgang Huemer (at Erfurt).

10/03/2005 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Josh.

I see you put Chisholm under D.C.Williams and not C.I. Lewis. I think you misunderstood my comment about that. I heard that Lewis and Williams were his co-directors; but it would be natural to think that Lewis was his main director, because the dissertation was in epistemology, and closer to Lewis's views than to anything Williams was writing about. So I think, if he can only have one parent, it should be C.I. Lewis. I was just curious whether you were willing to countenance dual directors -- that's how Chisholm describes them ("The teachers at Harvard who influenced me most were C.I. Lewis, Donald C. Williams, and W.V.Quine...." and "C. I. Lewis and Donald C. Williams were the supervisors of my Ph.D. thesis..." (Self-Profile, from the *Profiles* book on Chisholm, p. 4). So, if it is possible to have two direct ancestors on the tree, then there might be justification for it. In Chisholm's case.

Out of curiousity, I got interlibrary loan to procure a copy of the first page of Williams's dissertation (a metaphysical interpretation of behaviorism). I haven't seen it yet, but the first signature was reported to me as "Ralph Cerry", which must be Ralph Perry -- who goes through Royce to Leibniz, anyway.



10/03/2005 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul Russell, now listed as an orphan w/ one child, was the student of Bernard Williams. Russell was also the advisor of Katherine Browne.

10/04/2005 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two more Brentano students: Chrisian von Ehrenfels and Alois Hofler. I think Alan Garfinkel was advised by Hilary Putnam.

10/04/2005 10:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops, that should be Christian von Ehrenfels (and Duncan McIntosh in one of my earlier posts).
I (Paul Raymont) was advised by William Seager (in the Benacerraf line).

10/04/2005 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the CV just posted for the conference at Buffalo on his work, E.J. Lowe studied with Blackburn. Lowe's students (who have completed their degrees) are listed as:

Sharon Ney, Susan Southgate, Paul S. McDonald, Man Cheung Chung, Martin Connor, Nicholas Southgate, Sophie Gibb, William J. Pollard, Geraldine Coggins, Darrell Rowbottom and Jonathan Tallant

10/05/2005 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hans Jonas was advised by Heidegger.
Kurt Lewin was advised by Stumpf.
Egon Brunswik was advised by Karl Buhler (though Mortiz Schlick's signature is also on the dissertation).

10/06/2005 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Panayot Butchvarov advised Albert Casullo and Kenneth Williford. Casullo advised Peter Murphy, Tim Black, Nancy Brahm, David Reiter, Lory Lemke, and Heimir Geirsson. I don't know who advised Butchvarov, but he got his doctorate in 1955 at the Univ. of Virginia.

A.J. Ayer advised T.L.S. Sprigge.
T.S. Eliot was advised by Josiah Royce. Eliot's dissertation was approved, but he didn't return to Harvard for the defence and so didn't have a Ph.D.

10/06/2005 11:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to a biography of Alfred Schutz (*The Participating Citizen*, by Michael Barber), Dorion Cairns "studied with Husserl in Freiburg." According to the same source, Schutz was the adviser of Maurice Natanson.

W.H. Walsh advised William Dray; I don't know who advised Walsh.

Hans Kelsen advised Felix Kaufmann.

10/07/2005 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friedrich Jodl advised Otto Weininger.

Calvin Normore advised Victoria McGeer.

Brian McLaughlin advised Joyce Tigner and Gene Witmer.

Jerry Fodor advised Susan Schneider and Andrew Milne.

Brian Loar advised John Sarnecki, Katalin Balog, and Jonathan Sutton.

Barry Loewer advised Rupert Read, and Stephanie Beardman.

Stephen Stich advised Catherine Driscoll.

Colin McGinn advised Max Deutsch.

Tim Maudlin advised Barry Ward, Mark Moyer and Douglass Kutach.

Robert Matthews advised Mark D'Cruz, Julie Yoo, Stefano Bertolo, Alastair Tait, and Matthew Phillips.

10/07/2005 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernard Katz advised Joshua Mozersky and David Sturdee.

Daniel Goldstick advised Chandra Kumar.

Thomas A. Goudge advised C.C.W. Webb.

Fred Wilson advised Andrew Cunningham and Mathew Gorman.

Sonia Sedivy advised John Gibson, Jay Gupta, and Mark Macleod.

Arthur Ripstein advised Andrew Latus.

Ian Hacking advised Angela Carlson, Any Francois, and Michel Dufour.

Sharon Kaye was advised by Calvin Normore and Bernard Katz.

Normore also advised Anthony Craig Squires and Anthony Speca.

10/07/2005 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D. (David) Savan advised Jacqueline Brunning.

Robert Imlay was advised by W.G. Maclagan (at Glasgow).

Ronald de Sousa advised Sean Allen-Hermanson, Jay Smith, Jan Zwicky, J.D. Morton, L. Jost, J. Robinson, Andrew Kernohan, D. Dunne, Rod Watkins, Paul Jamieson, Kevin Krein, and Sarah Marquart.

Ian Hacking advised Stephen D'Arcy.

10/07/2005 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hector-Neri Castaneda advised Tomis Kapitan, Michael McKinsey, Jerome Gellman, John Dreher, Thomas Raymond Williams, Donald Nute, William Rapaport, Ricardo Gomez, Francesco Orilia, Priyedarshi Jetli, Ana H. Marostica, and Adriano Palma.

10/07/2005 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arthur Burks advised Will Crichton.

10/07/2005 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noted above that Will Crichton was advised by Arthur Burks. I just saw that you have a J.W. Crichton in the tree already (advising C.C. Brodeur). These two Crichtons must be the same. Will Crichton's full name was John Willison Crichton. He taught in the graduate faculty at Toronto from 1963 until 1972 (Brodeur graduated in 1967).

10/09/2005 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tadeusz Kotarbinski was advised by Twardowski.

10/09/2005 11:20:00 PM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...

OK, I think I'm caught up now. If you've left additions to the tree, and they aren't there in the latest version, then I've managed to miss them, so remind me, if you will.

Matt, there are two John Campbells -- one at Berkeley and one at La Trobe. Otherwise, I think your suggestions about duplications were all correct, and I've collapsed as necessary. I've decided that the best course of action on Kripke is just to e-mail him and see if he has a preference on how he is placed in the tree. Now I just have to find an e-mail address for him.

10/10/2005 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10/10/2005 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have E.L. Fackenheim listed. His name was Emil L. Fackenheim. He advised Graeme Nicholson (who appears further down the list).

10/10/2005 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aron Gurwitsch's dissertation was accepted (and his oral exam passsed) by Moritz Geiger at Gottingen. But he'd already finished writing it before he met Geiger. He wrote it in Frankfurt (where he worked with professors in the natural sciences, Gelb and Kurt Goldstein) and then went in search of a philosophy prof who was willing to accept his dissertation. So I guess his adviser, technically, was Geiger. This is according to Gurwitsch's bio at

10/10/2005 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ignas Kestutis Skrupskelis was advised by Marcus Long.

Mark Thornton was advised by W.W. Mellor (at Sheffield). Thornton advised Victor Ramraj.

John Burbidge was advised by Emil Fackenheim.

Wayne Sumner advised Gustaf Arrhenius and Patricia Kazan.

Frank Cunningham (currently on the list as F. Cunningham) advised Joshua Tabah, Kok-Chor Tan, and Michelle Switzer.

Graeme Nicholson advised Rajinder Paul Bali and Morgan Rempel.

Gordon Nagel (now on the list as G. Nagel) advised Anna Frammartino and Sumangali Rajiva.

Rebecca Comay advised Victoria Burke, James Gilbert Walsh, and Andrea Sauder.

Cheryl Misak advised Glen Hoffman.

Joseph Boyle advised Darko Piknjac.

Peter Apostoli advised Sara Ellenbogen.

Meinong advised Rudolf Ameseder (1901), Vittorio Benussi (1901), Wilhelm Maria Frankl (1903), Fritz Heider (1920), Ernst Schwarz (1903), France Veber (1917), and Stephan Witasek.

Under Bretano you have Alois Hoffer. It should be Alois Hofler. He graduated in 1885.

10/11/2005 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comay also advised Tamar Japaridze.

10/11/2005 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emil L. ('L' for Ludwig) Fackenheim was advised by George Sidney Brett. Thomas A. Goudge was advised by C.I. Lewis at Harvard and George Sidney Brett at Toronto.
John Slater advised Ross Stanway.

10/12/2005 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some dates: Otto Weininger got his doctorate in 1902. Ross Stanway got his in 1966. Arthur Burks received his Ph.D. in 1941. Emil Fackenheim was awarded his in 1945.

Max Dessoir was advised by Wilhelm Dilthey, and received his doctorate in 1889.

10/13/2005 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I asked Prof. John Slater (Emeritus at Toronto) re. some of the earlier Toronto professors. He says that George Sidney Brett (father of Fackenheim and Goudge) didn't have a doctorate, but received an M.A. from Oxford. While at Oxford, his two main influences were Herbert W. Blunt and the classicist, John Alexander Smith. This latter must be J.A. Smith (father of Paton on your tree). According to Slater, a big part of Brett's book on the history of psychology grew from his work with Alexander, so maybe Alexander should get the nod as Brett's advisor. This puts a big Toronto branch into the Oxford tree.

10/13/2005 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops, in that 2nd-last sentence of the previous post I should have been calling the Oxford classicist 'Smith', not 'Alexander'.

10/13/2005 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A.J. Ayer advised Robert Tully, and H.J. ('J' for John) McCloskey advised William Harvey.

10/14/2005 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Byrd was a student of Karel Lambert

10/16/2005 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Brown was a student of Jose Benardete

Robert van Gulick (who is one of the philosophers indexed, only as Bob van Gulick) was a Student of Paul Grice

William Benjamin Bradley was a student of Fred Feldman

10/16/2005 08:05:00 PM  
Blogger Josh Dever said...


The information I've seen says that Weisse received his degree from Leibniz in 1832. Hegel was teaching at Berlin, and died in 1831, so I think any link between the two must still be mediated by someone else.

Thanks, as usual, for the many additions. I'll try to get them all into the tree soon.

10/17/2005 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a bit about Weisse in Michael Heidelberger's book on Fechner (Nature From Within). Heidelberger says that Weisse started lecturing in 1828 at Leipzig. That must be where he subsequently completed his studies. Heidelberger doesn't say who advised him, but cites a book on Weisse by Gunter Kruk, published in 1994. I don't know if Kruk identifies Weisse's adviser (the book's in German).

10/18/2005 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another addition

Graham Priest was the advisor of Koji Tanaka, who has recently been appointed at the University of Auckland

11/10/2005 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry F. Vaughan (University of Oklahoma, 1999) was Hugh Benson's student.

11/14/2005 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nino Cocchiarella (p. 21 on the tree) also directed
Craig DeLancey and
Max Freund.

Also Laird Addis (p. 11) was the student of Gustav Bergmann

11/23/2005 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some Additions:

Walter Hopp and Steve Porter were advised by Dallas Willard

James van Cleve was advised by Keith Lehrer

12/09/2005 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the supervisor of a Habilitation thesis count as a parent? Gadamer completed a dissertation under Natorp on Plato in 1922 (noted in the genealogy tree) but then also completed a second thesis (his Habilitation) under Heidegger in 1928. This would give him two distinct ancestral trees. In Heidegger's case, his doctoral thesis and Habilitation were both supervised by Rickert.

Might there be other occurrences of two distinct parent lines in other cases like Gadamer's - particularly in German lines? Should the genealogy accurately reflect these lines of convergence/divergence? Unfortunate as it may be to map the domino effects, I would think so and it would be consistent with the other rules (including those of thumb) being employed in the project.

12/12/2005 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm about 90% sure that Brad Hooker didn't work with Hare. I believe that he told me that he was a Parfit student. Elinor Mason should be added as one of his students.

12/18/2005 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Norman Martin was my advisor at the U of Texas. I finished my dissertation in 1971.

Bertram C. Bruce

12/28/2005 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Dummett was Mathieu Marion's advisor

Mathieu Marion has advised three PhDs so far:

Anoop GUPTA 2002

Bruce HOWES 2001

Chinatsu KOBAYASHI 2003

1/07/2006 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please add Nathaniel Goldberg as student of Linda Wetzel. Thanks!

1/24/2006 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garey Spradley (teaches at Grove City College) is not on the tree. His advisor was William P. Alston

2/07/2006 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction for the tree: Nancy Fraser's dissertation was directed by Peter Caws. Finch signed in Caws' absence.

2/17/2006 08:10:00 AM  
Blogger Aidan said...

I suppose I should do at least a partial St Andrews update. Simon Robertson and Brian McElwee were students of John Skorupski, and Philip Ebert, Nikolaj Pedersen, Ross Cameron and Robbie Williams should go under Crispin Wright.

2/23/2006 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Additional advisees of Thomas McCarthy:

Barbara Fultner (1996)
Joel Anderson (1996)
James Bohman (1985)
Johanna Meehan

Advisee of James Bohman: Terence Kelly (1998)

Additional advisee of Nancy Fraser:

Kevin Olson (1996)

2/23/2006 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Fate Norton was Manfred Kuehn's advisor at McGill University in 1980

2/26/2006 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Josh--I like the tree. I'd like to be added, along with my advisor. I am a professor at the University of Ottawa, where we have a PhD program; I'm supervising, but no projects have finished under me yet. I got my PhD under David Bakhurst at Queen's University in 1999. David got his at Oxford in the 80s; according to his web info-- studied under John McDowell and Michael Inwood, but I don't know the exact supervisor (McDowell, if I had to guess) or date.

Andrew Sneddon

3/14/2006 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a typo in the name of one of Crispin Wright's advisees:
Nikolaj Pedersen is spelled like this (with a 'k') -- also, I think, he goes by "Nikolaj Jang Pedersen".

Other advisees of Wright's: Julia Tanney, Andy Hamilton, Marcus Rossberg.

3/20/2006 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul Snowdon (now professor at University College London) supervised Mike Martin, David Mackie, Stephan Blatti, Martin Fricke, among others. Snowdon himself was supervised by P.F. Strawson.

3/24/2006 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles Chastain was the advisor of Robert Rupert.

3/26/2006 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah Broadie supervised Joseph Diekemper.

3/28/2006 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniel Breazeale (of the John Smith branch of the tree) has supervised dissertations by the following:
John Inglis [degree awarded, 5/93].
Donald Giles [Degree awarded 5/95].
Arnold Farr [Degree awarded 8/96].
Yolanda Estes [Degree awarded 5/97].
Janet Roccanova [Degree awarded 5/99].
Daniel Schuman [Degree awarded 5/02].
Martin Townley [Degree awarded 5/02]
Kevin Zanelotti [Degree awarded 12/02].
Kevin Harrelson [Degree awarded 12/03.].

3/30/2006 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J. A. Cover [now at Purdue] did his dissertation under Jonathan Bennet at Syracuse. Cover was the advisor for Franklin Mason [1998], Matt Hetche [2002], James Madden [2002], Justin Skirry [2003], and Louis Mancha [2003], all at Purdue.

4/10/2006 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Under Peter Kivy add Gregg Horowitz (now at Vanderbilt).

4/14/2006 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

christopher peacocke was graeme forbes's supervisor

4/28/2006 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I would like to see the following name be added. Jerry Yang, now an assistant professor at the National Taipei University of Technology, completeded his dissertation under the guidance of Prof. Dennis Stampe at the University of Wisconsinin-Madison in May, 2003. Thanks!

4/29/2006 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few Rutgers degrees:

Peter Kivy was the advisor of Aaron Meskin and Elisa Galgut.

Peter Klein was Jonathan Weinberg's advisor

Robert Bolton was Catherine McKeen's advisor.

Douglas Husak advised Dan Haybron.

5/21/2006 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Josh,

Thanks for putting together this tree! Very useful and interesting reading.

Please add me: I'm Sophia Wong and my advisor was Thomas Pogge.

Sophia Wong, Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, NY

5/22/2006 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Lyons was the advisor of Nir Eisikovits at Boston University, 2005

6/01/2006 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Graeme Nicholson was my co-supervisor, along with Daniel Goldstick.

6/12/2006 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Wiggins advised Cheryl Misak

6/16/2006 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alan Bloom was the advisor of Paul Wolfowitz.

8/28/2006 11:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some missing names

Pythagoras (allegedly invented the term philosophy)
Giordano Bruno

11/13/2006 04:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This tree is great!
Here's some additions:

John Cooper (student of Gilbert Ryle) was the advisor for Cass Weller (1983).

Cass Weller was the advisor for Audre Brokes (1997).
Cass Weller was the advisor for David Nixon (2004).
Cass Weller was the advisor for Ben Stenberg (2006).

12/10/2006 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant to say that John Cooper was the student of Gwil Owen, not Ryle. (Ryle is Cooper's "grandfather", not "parent".)

12/13/2006 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger Crisp was the advisor of Daniel Star

7/14/2007 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Corcoran was the doctoral advisor of James Gasser at U of Neuchatel and of Calvin Jongsma at U of Toronto.

2/13/2008 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry Craig advised Mark Adams and Pat Wilband;
James Gilbert-Walsh (advised by Rebecca Comay) advised Carolyn Ellis, Stuart Forestall, and Brandon A. Keyes; and Sara MacDonald advised Nathan McAllister.

6/20/2008 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a comment to Philip Kremer's post about Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg. I agree with his assessment that the link to Karl Reinhold is inaccurate: Reinhold died in 1823 so he can't possibly have been Trendelenburg's advisor. Moreover, Reinhold's link to Kant is tenuous as well.
Interestingly, Trendelenburg's thesis is posted in full on the internet It turns out that it is published in Leipzig (not Berlin), and it is dedicated to Georg Ludwig König (rector of the Gymnasium at Eutin) So perhaps it is best to link Trendelenburg to König instead, even though König didn't have an academic appointment. It turns out that König is a student of Kant as well, so the link with Kant becomes much more convincing.

7/28/2008 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Alyssa R. Bernstein. I received my Philosophy PhD. from Harvard in 2000. The chair of my committee was T.M. Scanlon, and the committee included John Rawls, Hilary Putnam, and for the final year (after Rawls' health compelled him to cease working) Joshua Cohen and Michael Blake. I am now teaching at Ohio University. Either there is incorrect information about me on this website, or there are two people named Alyssa Bernstein now working in the field of philosophy.

1/06/2009 12:03:00 PM  
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5/09/2011 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephen Makin was supervised by G.E.M Anscombe at Cambridge University.

Graeme A. Forbes was supervised by Stephen Makin and Eric Olson at Sheffield University.

James Tartaglia was supervised by Tim Crane at University College London

Jane Suilin Lavelle was supervised by George Botterill at Sheffield University

6/29/2011 07:21:00 AM  
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